Monday, September 25, 2017

Week of 9/25/17 thru 10/02/17

Daily Memo From The Father

Praise God!

Thank you Father for your Word, the Son of God whom you sent to us that we (those who are willing), may be reconciled to you and become your sons and daughters; heirs of the King of the Universe.  When your Son, the Son of God and The Son of Man came to us, He came as a man, born of a virgin and lived a life as an ordinary man.  Isaiah 53.  He was sinless, He said and did only that which He saw and heard you do Father. He faced the same trial and temptations we face every day, yet He remained faithful to the Father and the Father was well pleased.  So much to the point that speaking from Heaven the Father said so in an audible voice to the witnesses present and the entire universe. Matthew 3:, Mark 9:, John 12: .  Thank you Lord for the many blessings and Thank you Lord for the gift of salvation through your Son and for the Holy Spirit living with us and in us.  

The format for Daily Memo From The Father will be to let the Holy Spirit be our teacher and our counselor.  He will give the assignments; He will teach and from Him will we receive Heavenly Wisdom and Heavenly Understanding, (1 Corinthians 1: - 3:, just as promised by the Lord Jesus Christ, and it will all come from the Word of God.) 

For this week of 9/25/17 through 10/02/17 let us go to the Book of Romans.  Focus on Chapter 8:   Read the entire Chapter in one setting, reading in context.  Then each day read it again as the Holy Spirit leads you; allowing Him open your mind, your eyes and your heart to what He will show you.  

Ask the Holy Spirit of the Living God with you and in you for the interpretation.  Ask that He may teach you about heavenly things giving heavenly wisdom and heavenly understanding.  Listen carefully for His still small voice.  Put aside ALL RELIGIOUS TEACHINGS AND RELIGIOUS UNDERSTANDINGS!  All means all rely only upon that which He shows you directly and confirms in you.  

This is very hard to do so, and most of us do not even realize we rely upon half-truths and the wisdom of man for most of our understanding of The Kingdom of Heaven.  If you are willing to ask, but more importantly willing to listen with an open and contrite heart He will begin to show you HIS Pure Word and His Pure Truth.  It all begins with The Lord Jesus Christ.  

Inquire of the Lord to remove the veil from your eyes that you may see His Power, His blessings and ask that He may cleary show you why He sent His Son, The Lord Jesus Christ to this earth.   

Do you know this in your heart?   The Lord Jesus Christ rules and reigns from heaven through the Holy Spirit with us on earth.  Our obedience is to believe in His life, death, resurrection and ascension into heaven.  This Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven will continue to be preached to every living soul on earth until The Father, in His and His alone perfect timing tells His Son to go and get His Bride.   

The Holy Spirit is your teacher.  Be a good student.  

All To His Glory


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Week of 9/18/2017 thru 9/24/2017

Daily Memo From The Father

Week of 9/18/2017 thru 9/24/2017

Praise God!

Thank you Father for your Word, the Son of God whom you sent to us that we (those who are willing), may be reconciled to you and become your sons and daughters; heirs of the King of the Universe.  When your Son, the Son of God and The Son of Man came to us, He came as a man, born of a virgin and lived a life as an ordinary man.  Isaiah 53:  He was sinless, He said and did only that which He saw and heard you do Father. He faced the same trial and temptations we face every day, yet He remained faithful to the Father and the Father was well pleased.  So much to the point that speaking from Heaven the Father said so in an audible voice to the witnesses present and the entire universe. Matthew 3, Mark 9, John 12 .  Thank you Lord for the many blessings and Thank you Lord for the gift of salvation through your Son and for the Holy Spirit living with us and in us.  

The new format for Daily Memo From The Father will be to let the Holy Spirit be our teacher and our counselor.  He will give the assignments and He will teach and it will all come from the Word of God.  

For this week of 9/18/17 through 9/24/17 let us continue in the Book of Hebrews.    Try to take the time to read the entire book in one setting; reading in context.  Then start at chapter one and allow The Holy Spirit to show you His Truth.  

Ask the Holy Spirit of the Living God with you and in you for the interpretation.  Ask that He may teach you about heavenly things giving heavenly wisdom and heavenly understanding.  Listen carefully for His still small voice.  Put aside ALL RELIGIOUS TEACHINGS AND RELIGIOUS UNDERSTANDINGS!  All means all rely only upon that which He shows you directly and confirms in you.  

This is very hard to do so, and most of us do not even realize we rely upon half-truths and the wisdom of man for most of our understanding of The Kingdom of Heaven.  If you are willing to ask, but more importantly willing to listen with an open and contrite heart He will begin to show you HIS Pure Word and His Pure Truth.  It all begins with The Lord Jesus Christ.  

Inquire of the Lord to remove the veil from your eyes that you may see His Power.

Inquire of the Lord as to who His Holy Angels are, and how He uses them to our benefit and His Glory.    

The Holy Spirit is your teacher.  Be a good student.  

All To His Glory


Monday, September 11, 2017

Week of 9/11/2017 Thru 9/17/2017

Praise God!

Thank you Father for your Word, the Son of God whom you sent to us that we (those who are willing), may be reconciled to you and become your sons and daughters; heirs of the King of the Universe.  When your Son, the Son of God and The Son of Man came to us, He came as a man, born of a virgin and lived a life as an ordinary man.  Isaiah 53:  He was sinless, He said and did only that which He saw and heard you do Father. He faced the same trial and temptations we face every day, yet He remained faithful to the Father and the Father was well pleased.  So much to the point that speaking from Heaven the Father said so in an audible voice to the witnesses present and the entire universe. Matthew 3, Mark 9, John 12 .  Thank you Lord for the many blessings and Thank you Lord for the gift of salvation through your Son and for the Holy Spirit living with us and in us.  

The new format for Daily Memo From The Father will be to allow the Holy Spirit be our teacher and our counselor.  He will give the assignments and He will teach and it will all come from the Word of God.  

For this week of 9/11/17 through 9/18/17 let us begin in the beginning. Read Genesis 1:-3: all.  John 1: - 3: all, and the entire book of Colossians.

Ask the Holy Spirit of the Living God with you and in you for the interpretation.  Ask that He may teach you about heavenly things giving heavenly wisdom and heavenly understanding.  Listen carefully for His still small voice.  Put aside ALL RELIGIOUS TEACHINGS AND RELIGIOUS UNDERSTANDINGS!  All means all; - rely only upon that which He shows you directly in His Word and then confirms in you through His Word.  

This is very hard to do so, and most of us do not even realize we rely upon half-truths and the wisdom of man for most of our understanding of The Kingdom of Heaven.  If you are willing to ask, but more importantly  willing to listen with an open and contrite heart; He will begin to show you HIS Pure Word and His Pure Truth.  It all begins with The Lord Jesus Christ.  

Inquire of the Lord as to why He created this little speck of dust in the universe called earth.  
Inquire of the Lord as to what the final purpose of this world is.  

The Holy Spirit is your teacher.  Be a good student.  

