Monday, April 9, 2018


The Daily Memo From The Father started with a series of verses each day.  And this was a good starting point to get one in the habit of going to His Word each day and seeking Him for His truth; here was no human commentary.  His Word is the seed that we as humans can only plant and water.  All of the growth comes from the Lord. 1 Corinthians 1:-4: 

The Holy Spirit is our teacher.  And if you are willing and baptized in the Holy Spirit and Fire; (Matthew 3:) then the Lord begins the process of refining, winnowing and pruning each and every one of us at the pace that we can understand, learn and grow, as long as we are willing.  With heavenly wisdom and understanding from God we then are weaned from the religious teachings of this and previous ages, if and only if we are willing.  It will be by and through the Holy Spirit that we begin to learn and know that which is from God and be able to discern the teachings of carnal man. 

The Holy Spirit does not teach those who are willing, with just verses.  If we choose to read only verses then we are left to string verses together and come up with our own wisdom.  NO;  He asks that we read the Whole Word; meaning whole books and chapters in context, filling the well within us with His Pure Word.  Then He, as our heavenly teacher will bring back to our memory that which gives us the "heavenly understanding" of His Word, and will confirm this wisdom time and time again in His Word.  The brilliance of man cannot do this. Do you not know the mystery of the universe is His Word;  The Lord Jesus Christ.    

Proverbs 3:  tells us very clearly and to the point that the wisdom of man is but foolishness to the Lord; AND that we are not to lean on our own understanding.   Go and read it. 

God is not the author of confusion: so why are there so many different views and opinions within that which we call "Christian" religions.  It is simply what was just said.  Our God is not a God of religions; religion is man's understanding of God which can be as varied and opinionated as there are men and women to spouse their opinion.  There is only one true foundation and Rock upon which to build: The Lord Jesus Christ. 

The Creator of the Universe sent His Son that our sin debt may be paid in full, and He gave us the Holy Spirit helpers that each and every one who are His may learn His ways and not the way of man.  His ways, which are not the ways of this world, are only taught by Him, through His Holy Spirit helpers and messengers being with us and in us, (read the book of Hebrews and John 14:-18:).

There is only one truth to any matter, and we must go directly to Him that He may teach us.  He teaches us through His Word and confirms everything in and  through His Word.  No one person's point of view matters if it is not totally in alignment with His Word and then it is no longer an opinion; it is His Word.

So you have the Daily Memo From the Father in your hand each time you pick up your Bible; His Word, seek Him and His Word and nothing else.  He will confirm in His Word and in your spirit and will show you those who are His and those who are not. Go directly to the source each day in your secret place -  Matthew 6:

It is the Lord Jesus Christ whom we serve and who died on the cross for our sins.  He now sits at the right hand of The Father and has been crowned Lord of Lord and King of Kings.  Those who are His call Him Lord.  The "Jesus" of religions and this world are many; but there is only one Rock, and that is who we seek. 

Quit seeking the many " Jesus' " of the world religions regardless of the title placed on their denomination or letterhead or the sign in front of a building.  Seek the Son of God and The Son of man.  And if you truly love Him you will obey Him and His Word, because He is The Word.  He will truly be your Lord and you will address Him as such each and every time you speak or write His name.  You cannot continue to practice sin if you are His.  You can only love Him if you obey Him. (Read all of the books of John)  Read His Word and let the Holy Spirit teach you and guide you.

All To His Glory